
in the grow of中文什么意思

发音:   用"in the grow of"造句
  • 在….成长中
  • grow:    vi. (grew; grown ) 1.生长;成长,发 ...
  • grow for:    增长耗时;增长到
  • grow in:    增加(力量等)
  • grow into:    长成; 成为,发展成; 发展为
  • grow on:    (习惯)加深对…的影响; (习惯、感情等)加深对……影响; 使越来越感兴趣,渐渐成为习惯;加深对…的影响; 引起...爱好, 加深影响; 逐渐加强
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  1. Automated test system ( ats ) is an important stage in the growing of automatic test technology
  2. To change this situation , we must standardize the using of fertilizers and pesticides in the growing of vegetables
  3. Nowadays , with the modernization , globalization and the development of networking , modern public sphere is dynamic growing . but it appears two tends in the growing of chinese public sphere , that is : the public of the private sphere and the privacy of public area which makes the public sphere of our country at the edge of subversion


        grow:    vi. (grew; grown ) 1.生长;成长,发 ...
        grow:    vi. (grew; grown ) 1.生长;成长,发育;发芽,茁长。 2.长大,增加,变强。 3.〔后接形容词、副词、成语等〕渐渐变得。 4.形成,产生。 Great oaks from little acorns grow. 〔谚语〕万丈高楼平地起。 grow weary 变疲乏。 grow old [rich] 变老[富]。 vt. 培育;栽培;培养,使增长;使发展。 grow a beard 留胡子。 grow roses 种玫瑰。 grow down [downwards] 变小;减少。 grow in 增加(grow in beauty [strength, wisdom] 增加美丽[力量、智慧])。 grow in [into] 长成。 grow on [upon] 1. (感觉、习惯等)加深对…的影响 (The smoking habit grew on me. 我渐渐有烟瘾了)。2.(书、画等)渐渐把人迷住,渐渐使人爱好(The picture grows on him. 他渐渐爱起那张画来)。grow out 出芽,发芽。 grow out of 1. 抛弃;戒除。 2. 长大而穿不上衣服。 3. 源出,来自,起因于(grow out of bad habits of his boyhood days 戒除幼时的坏习惯。 The book grew out of a series of lectures. 这书是由一系列讲稿编写而成的。 Soon, she grew out of her clothes. 不久,她便长得高大而穿不上原先的衣服了)。 grow together 长合,愈合。 grow up 长大,成人发生,滋长。 grow up like mushrooms 像雨后春笋般地滋长。
        grow for:    增长耗时;增长到
        grow in:    增加(力量等)
        grow into:    长成; 成为,发展成; 发展为
        grow on:    (习惯)加深对…的影响; (习惯、感情等)加深对……影响; 使越来越感兴趣,渐渐成为习惯;加深对…的影响; 引起...爱好, 加深影响; 逐渐加强
        to grow:    栽培
        as the larvae grow:    随着幼虫的生长
        flourish and grow:    发荣滋长; 兴旺发达
        free-to-grow:    未郁闭
        grow a beard:    留胡子; 留须
        grow a boil:    生疮; 生疖
        grow and spread:    滋长蔓延
        grow and stay:    增长并保存;增长并保持;生长并延缓
        grow back:    带材的厚度差
        grow beyond:    长得比…快; 生长速度超过…
        grow blind:    致盲
        grow cane, to:    种植甘蔗
        grow chart:    格罗表
        grow chiefly in:    主产于..
        grow cold:    变得冷起来
        grow down:    变小, 减小
        grow downwards:    缩小, 减少
        grow fat:    变肥; 脂肪增多
        见长grow:    perceptibly


  1. in the green orchard 什么意思
  2. in the green tree 什么意思
  3. in the green wood 什么意思
  4. in the groove 什么意思
  5. in the gross 什么意思
  6. in the guise of 什么意思
  7. in the guise of a knight 什么意思
  8. in the habit of 什么意思
  9. in the habit of stealing things 什么意思
  10. in the hallway 什么意思


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